
The elements of an SEO strategy or how to plan your search engine optimisation efforts


Dávid Minorics

6 min read

January 8, 2020

Pretty much everyone wants to drive organic traffic to their website. However, few know how to do it. In this article, we show the way from an SEO strategy point of view.

The Elements of an SEO Strategy

Previously we wrote about how you can incorporate SEO into your marketing strategy. The next move is to create an actual SEO strategy.

At a tactical level, SEO can be divided into three main areas:

  1. technical SEO,
  2. content-related SEO,
  3. off-page SEO.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a great base for your strategy. First, you should focus on fundamental needs: a website should be able to appear in Google, then you can get down to developments to increase competitiveness.

To put it simply, first you should appear in Google, then start putting work into making your site more visible.

That’s the purpose of a SEO strategy: to drive as much organic, unpaid traffic from Google to the site as possible, and to increase the visibility of the company in the search engine.

You can achieve your strategic goals by adapting the elements, which are partially built upon each other, as follows:

To reach your strategic goal, you should go over these items one by one and determine what activities have to be done to hit an optimal situation.

Crawlability and indexability

If you want your content to make it to the search engine result pages, you have to keep an eye on two things:

  1. crawlability,
  2. indexability.

Crawlability allows web crawlers to find our contents and it helps them explore and understand them.

As a second step, indexability helps the search engine to display the given content as a search result.

This might go without saying, but there are contents which you don’t want appearing in a search engine result page. My favourite example is the thank you page after you have subscribed to a newsletter. Users should never find it, except after they subscribe. The same goes for the admin platform.

It’s best to start every SEO project by checking the aforementioned points.

Content to meet search intent

When creating contentregarding SEO, we primarily wish to meet search intent and it is the most important ranking factor for Google as well.

What’s the search intent behind keywords?

Of course, you cannot expect to identify search intent for each and every keyword.

Let’s take the search expression ‘BCAA’. Why do people search it?

  • Do they want to know what the acronym BCAA stands for?
  • Or how to use it?
  • Are they interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the food supplement?
  • Do they want to buy some?
  • Do they want to understand the differences between products?
  • Do they want to compare prices of a given product in different webshops?
  • Or are they curious about the potential results of using BCAA?

To identify search intent, you should turn to Google itself. Given that it is in the search engine’s best interest to display the best contents to users, we probably have to create better content than the ones at the top.

It is difficult to define ‘better content’. If you take a look at the results for BCAA, top organic search results include products as well as detailed blog posts on the subject.

This means that Google’s answer to the search intent is that type of content. Consequently, we should prefer them when it comes to the given search keyword.

For this we usually apply the skyscraper technique: we create more useful and digestible contents than the other ones, with more media items.

Content-related optimization (on-page SEO)

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. RankBrain and BERT are the two most well-known updates which guarantee that robots can interpret the content that we create.

Not only do they understand separate words, but synonyms, context and sentiment as well, and that’s a huge step ahead for ranking.

Robots may get more astute, but we’d better help them by making sure that we convey the message that our content is of excellent quality and worth displaying in Google search results.

Naturally, we don’t want keyword stuffing, we just want to help web crawlers understand content.

Content-related items where it’s worth placing keywords include:

  • URL,
  • title (H1),
  • paragraphs (headings),
  • written content,
  • file name and alt text of images,
  • metadata.

Metadatas hold a special place as they are known for being indirect ranking factors.

Optimizing metadata

Although we suspected (even before the RankBrain algorithm) that search engine-based organic CTR and website activity impact ranking, RankBrain reinforced this belief. Google denies the hypothesis, but data shows that there is probably some truth to it.

One thing is sure: non-standard search results perform better on SERPs. They draw attention. In metadata, this can mean

  • a special character,
  • an emoji, or
  • a semibold text due to identical or similar keywords.

In addition, we should also consider content-related factors, but we’ll discuss them in another article.

The best possible content-related user experience

Design and usability are perhaps the most underrated areas of content marketing. There are some true gems when it comes to how readable a content is or how well-edited and deliberate the visual elements are.

You must consider many factors! Here come a few examples (non-exhaustive list):

  • font,
  • font size,
  • margins,
  • use of colours,
  • edited state of the text,
  • ratio of visual elements,
  • sophistication of data visualisation and the value of information.

If a piece of content is in a visually more pleasing environment, visitors will more likely consume it. No matter how good content you try to deliver surrounded by bad design, it won’t perform as well as others.

I love highlights, lists and screenshots the most. They don’t necessarily require hardcore design solutions, but they make any kind of content more digestible.

We also have to pay attention to the loading speed to make sure that visitors actually make it to our cool site.

Creating content which attracts linking, and outreach

Link building is one of the most important and toughest areas of SEO to date, and it is quite fundamental for good ranking.

Creating quality content is not enough on its own. Brian Dean aptly calls this solution ‘publish and pray’, but it does not work, so here we go link building!

My personal favourite is when an original research is conducted in a topic, from which a study, an infographic and a cool long-form article or video are also produced. The results of such contents are usually a hit and many write about it, including even big news sites. However, more often than not, they do not link the original content.

With that in mind, it’s better to check whether portals publish contents which mention our study. Both Google Alerts and Ahrefs serve this purpose right. If we have PR people on the team, they’ll have a database containing a list of people and sites to whom they sent the original content or the PR article written about it. You should create a database of these external publications and unreferenced mentions.

Then you should call upon the creators of these contents and ask them to add a reference to the original study. In such cases, you can achieve extremely high link conversion rates.

Implementing structured data

Featured snippets within Google get a lot of SEOs excited – they want to get them.

Features snippets are highlighted Google search results which catch users’ attention. The goal is to answer search intent in the quickest way possible. There are a great number of snippet types today, and while you cannot get to all of them with SEO activity, they still provide splendid opportunities.

However, snippets might ensure featured appearance, but the click-through rate decreases constantly because the search engine satisfies the search intent already on SERP. This holds especially true for mobile devices.

Source: SparkToro

To get a featured spot, Google has to think that our content is the best answer to user intent.

It is also worth adding structured data, to contents. It will help you take search results displayed on SERP to a whole new level. They aim to help Google understand the nature of content on a given website so that it can display more information about it in the search engine.

You need to indicate structured data in codes by using the Schema language, created by Google, Bing and Yahoo. As a result, search engines can better read and understand addresses, phone numbers, dates and events, amongst other elements.

Measuring SEO performance

At a tactical level, you should consider backtesting when making any change to ensure that your business goal is achieved. There are plenty of KPIs related to SEO that you should consider. Here come a few examples (non-exhaustive list):

  • sites in Google index,
  • loading time,
  • number of impressions in Google
  • number of clicks,
  • CTR,
  • average position of contents,
  • number of linking domains,
  • number of backlinks.

These indicators all have their proper place in assessments and when backtesting the effectiveness of SEO activities.

It is worth determining KPIs in advance so that expectations are clear and transparent at all times.

Mito is a full-service agency with a passion for clever things. The Performance division is specialised in improving digital performance and increasing sales with performance media, SEO, CRO and analytics solutions.
We are proud to have companies like Decathlon, Wizz Air, Cetelem Bank, Office Shoes and Tungsram among our strategic partners.

The author(s)

Dávid Minorics

Head of Performance Technologies

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Kosárlabda szabályok

A kosárlabda csapatok 5 fős felállásban játszanak. A nevezett csapatokat csoportokba osztjuk, a sorsolást a tornát megelőző héten minden csapat részére kiküldjük. A mérkőzéseket hivatalos játékvezető vezeti. A mérkőzések egy pályán zajlanak. A csoportok első két helyezettje az egyenes kieséses szakaszba kvalifikálja magát. Az egyenes kiesés szakaszban a csoportmérkőzések során első helyezett csapatok a másik csoport második helyezettjével játszanak, ezt követően a vesztesek a harmadik helyért mérkőznek meg egymással, majd a győztesek vívják a döntőt.

Röplabda szabályok

Csapatlétszám: 6 fő max. 2 cserejátékossal
A játék időtartama:
  • A mérkőzés egy csapat által nyert egy játszmáig tart. 
  • A játszmát az a csapat nyeri, amelyik előbb ér el 25 pontot legalább 2 pont előnnyel. 24-24-es egyenlőség esetén a játszma addig folytatódik, amíg valamelyik csapat el nem éri a két pont különbséget. 
  • Mérkőzésidő max. 20 perc, ha ezen belül a fentiek alapján nem dől el a meccs, a 20 perc mérkőzésidő leteltével előnyben levő csapat nyeri a mérkőzést.
A csapat létszáma a pályán nem csökkenhet 6 fő alá. Azt a csapatot, amelyik nem tud az összetételi előírásnak megfelelő 6 főt a pályára állítani, a játékvezető “hiányos”-nak nyilvánítja.

Labdarúgás szabályok

Csapatlétszám: 5+1 fő.

Játékidő: 2×10 perc (szünet nélkül térfélcserével)

A mérkőzéseket 3×2 méteres kapukra játsszuk.

  • A mérkőzéseket a kispályás labdarúgás szabályai szerint bonyolítjuk le.
  • A mérkőzéseken csak hernyótalpas, terem- vagy edzőcipőben lehet szerepelni, fém, vagy gumi stoplis cipő használata szigorúan tilos! 
  • Ha bármelyik csapat létszáma a kiállítások, sérülések következtében 3+1 fő alá csökken, a mérkőzést be kell szüntetni. 

Introducing Nokia to website performance measurement through page speed measurement

Business background

Page speed has become an important factor for website owners and SEOs since Google began focusing more and more on user experience factors. If companies don’t adapt to this new mindset, they will lose their organic power.

Nokia has experienced an extensive page load time on most of its pages, but lacked proper measurable information about the performance of the website. It is challenging to adapt site-wise technical modifications without understanding what is really behind the curtain.

Our solution

Mito introduced a multifactor, multi locational-targeting page speed measurement and reporting system across different devices.

Our focus was to develop a measurement system from scratch that is able to report on different page speed KPIs so we can better understand what additional analyses are needed to increase the pages’ performance. We did not only focus on a page level measurement, but also grouped pages to page types that assists us in making more educated assumptions.

We paid attention to location modularity in order to extend the number of analysed locations to additional countries by adding new Virtual Machines to our framework.

We are able to measure different KPIs on both mobile and desktop so we can see how the site performance is realized across devices.

Our measurement system and dashboard provided us insights on what type of elements of the different page types might cause low speed performance and it helped us to further analyse the loading curve, just as the opportunities in Google PageSpeed Insights recommendations for the different page types.


We set up the measurement system and the dashboard that reports on website performance and opportunities.

Through properly tracking the page speed improvements, Nokia becomes a more powerful organic participant in the telco market in Google search, while they provide a better user experience for their visitors.

End to end measurement solution for Nokia

Nokia is an innovative global leader in 5G, networks and phones.

An international business of this size requires a comprehensive measurement strategy including responsible data collection, consistent management of tags and measurement codes, personalized website tracking and purposeful conversion rate optimization (CRO).

We kicked off Analytics projects from January, 2020, beginning with extensive Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics audits. Besides inspecting the different system settings, we also optimized the measurement and pixel implementation processes within Nokia in order to increase efficiency and reduce implementation periods.

After the key adjustments and process harmonization, we have moved forward and started to work on the website and landing pages’ efficiency, including several conversion rate optimization tasks such as heatmap analysis and A/B testing.


Nokia is receiving continuous support from our analytics team to ensure the client’s measurement and data is reliable. Due to streamlined processes, implementation periods are shorter and we eliminated unnecessary website tracking codes which cause longer loading times.

Nokia Allwhere - Private Wireless - Global digital media campaign planning & execution

Building brand awareness and creating demand for Nokia Private Industrial Wireless in new vertical markets

Nokia launched a digital campaign to educate the market that their industrial-focused LTE solutions are the key in accelerating the ultimate benefits of digital transformation and realization of the fourth industrial revolution.

The goal: to build brand awareness and create demand for Nokia private Industrial Wireless solutions in new vertical markets, especially infrastructure or asset-heavy industries where digitization has been mostly restricted to point solutions without general network connectivity.

Our approach

We’ve developed a multi-touch global digital media campaign, which covered the entire user journey of business leaders, from education to making a business decision.

Our main goal was to make Nokia visible on a large scale through automated solutions and smart targeting to reach people when they are reading, talking, learning about or searching for private wireless networks.

To archive this, we’ve utilized the combination of digital media platforms, including industry specific content sponsorships, social media ads, paid search, programmatic hyperlocal and Digital out-of-home ads in front of target company HQs. We’ve made sure that when our key audience is browsing the web, using social media on their phones or just walking outside of their offices, they see a relevant Nokia ad.


The campaign has reached over 80 000 business decision makers and influencers in 3500 target companies, across 5 industry verticals globally.

Private wireless solution specific brand search volume increased by 70% during the campaign period (YoY). In Q2 and Q3 2020, Nokia Enterprise had a double digit year-on-year growth in net sales and new customers.

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